This page highlights Fernando’s international association, participation and contributions to key government and industry initiatives.

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  • Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo: Fernando provided input and international support for Pemex’s initiative to develop Mexico’s first deepwater field. He served as a technical advisor for subsea production systems and hydrate remediation, to future proof the field from potential flow assurance issues such as hydrate blockages, by applying the global subsea experience he has acquired. This development was a key endeavor as it was initiated prior to Mexico's historic energy reform of 2014.

  • Net Zero Technology Centre: Appointed as a Technology Mentor for the Tech X program in Aberdeen, Scotland, to apply my international experience, in the technology and commercial realms—to further advance a patented technology that produces hydrogen in offshore environments without the need for desalination. The NZTC in partnership with Equinor, BP and KPMG, is investing in and supporting start-ups with potentially game-changing technologies for the UK energy sector.

  • Marine Technology Society (MTS): Appointed as Vice Chair to leverage his maritime and offshore experience for the betterment of MTS, while providing strategic input and guidance. The society was founded in 1963 and promotes awareness, understanding, advancement and application of marine technology. MTS brings together international businesses, institutions, professionals, academics, and students who are ocean engineers, technologists, policy makers, and educators.

  • Scottish Development International (SDI) and Scottish Enterprise: Fernando was appointed as a business ambassador (GlobalScot) by SDI: The international arm of the Scottish Government and Scotland's Enterprise agencies. He was made a GlobalScot due to his contributions and commitment to Scotland’s economic growth in the Americas’ Oil and Gas sector (Mexico and USA).

  • United States Coast Guard (USCG): Fernando functioned as a Well Intervention Subcommittee member for the National Offshore Safety Advisory Committee. As an active member of the Subcommittee, he collaborated with service companies, OEMs, operators, vessel contractors, and government bodies, to provide recommendations for offshore Rigless Well Interventions.

  • Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE): As part of the United States’ interagency collaboration between BSEE and the USCG, Fernando actively liaised with BSEE and provided key industry input and guidance to both agencies. Additionally, he extensively interacted with BSEE regarding new and emerging technologies, as highlighted by his offshore involvement in executing the first Rigless, wireline—intervention project, after the Macondo incident of 2010.

  • America’s Petroleum Institute (API 17G2): Designated Group Lead for Task Group 5, and collaborates with other Riserless Well Intevention subject matter experts to define technology and design practice. Further advanced 17G2's format to accommodate future intervention technologies and hardware. This new specification is intended to provide the necessary safety review and campaign planning tools needed for such Rigless projects.

  • Pipeline Research Council International (PRCI): Acting member of the newly created Subsea Technical Committee (TC) that is dedicated to solving the unique challenges faced by subsea pipeline operators related to the design, construction, and integrity management of risers, flowlines and umbilicals. Work with other industry specialists to better develop research projects addressing concerns of offshore asset operators.